Saturday, February 14, 2015

Its starts now - The 1st trimester

Now we have a term for this period the first trimester. Wifey becomes cynosure of all eyes. Grand parents to be, neighbors, well wishers , friends etc have suddenly turned themselves into knowledge banks and the pace of your life slows down. From now on you got to be extra careful, think twice before you do things, even care about what you speak or listen to cause there is a life taking shape and it hears everything.Spooky isn't it but not to worry u tend to get used to it.

Now we start planning, it would be great if some one has put everything down in a book right ? The answer is yes and it has been done.
</What to Expect When You are Expecting

The dad's must be thinking , what the hell ! these books are for women, but trust me it is one of the best resource you can find, its well written and make interesting read as well. It does help acclimatise to the change which has started happening around you and help you be part of the process somewhat.

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