Monday, March 23, 2015

Antinetal classes

Ok so what is this ? Yet another buzz word, well it may sound threatening or a tongue twister but don't fret. they are nothing but pregnancy classes which help you and your more specifically your partner to prepare for labor, feeding, basic grooming of new born etc.

They are spread over a span of few weeks and batches are usually consist of mothers (ofcourse father's too have to join) belonging to similar trimesters. You are thought some essential breathing techniques, exercises and some inside scoops on what you can expect going forward. Well you might think, there are already a host of people showering you with their wisdom do we need one more ? Well it does help and you can enjoy with your wife these few hours of classes in a week and they are fun and at the same time informative. Look at it this way nobody takes free advice seriously, but once you pay up , you sure will listen up till your penny's worth.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Travel bug

For all those regular vacationers and travelers out there , now is the time between first and second trimester to tick off the holiday check box.From this point onwards vacations will become more cumbersome for your wife and hence there are more chances of it being more of a pain than pleasure.
 Also with the arrival of the little one vacations are really something else.

Take advice of the doctor whether it is ok to travel, good to avoid long road trips considering the state of India roads, short flights recommended cause they can get uncomfortable and a vacation which does not entail sightseeing but just lot of lazing around would be perfect.

Do check out for wide range of holiday deals

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hmmmm along with a pregnant wife , comes along cravings, you are asked by many is your wife having any cravings ? Well thankfully my wife did not have any extreme cravings which did not warrant any late night run to the shops as these cravings are glorified usually.

Philips Soup maker
Philips soup maker
My view on this as a foodie is , this may be the opportunity for you also to indulge in some good snacking. Stock your refrigerator with your mutually favorite ice cream if or if its winter some delicious soups. Speaking of soups there is a innovative product in the market from Philips called the soup-maker. Hot soups made from your favorite ingredients are just a button press away. Go ahead check it out it can make smoothies too.

You can also stock your favourite fruits and get munching turning yourself into a health nut.Surprise your wife with a nice dinner over the weekend, even head out to your neighborhood McDonalds or KFC.